
Rowan Base is a Year 3 class at Valentine Primary School.  We are a large primary school on the East side of the City. Our school motto is ‘Valentine Primary School – Pathway to our Dreams’. We believe in setting high expectations for all children and teaching through an exciting project based curriculum. We hope that you will enjoy finding out more about our class through our blog and get a feel for the excellent opportunities that we offer to children.

Find out more about our school on our web page.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Miss Kelly

    i have just been doing some year 3 maths on Ollies laptop.
    i was doing odds and evens.
    have you had a nice time in our class this year?.
    i have nearly finished reading the BFG.

    Erin x


    • I am having a very nice time with this years Rowan Base. It’s great to hear you are practicing maths and also reading such a wonderful book. I wonder if the movie is as good as the book?


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